
Phoebe 作品

My kind and tender, caring, loving mother,

Who is always very funny,
Who is rich with lots of money,
Who is a cool teacher,
Who is a kind and caring creature,
I like you very much, adding the final touch.

From your beloved daughter, whom you dare not slaughter.

Phoebe 今日用了去元朗的車程,寫了這首詩給我,因為我今日用hanhbreak把成套Harry Potter and the Ggoblet of Fire, 放了入佢部iPod Touch度。


Who is poor and always lack of money,
Who is poor and without any money,

-- Post From My iPhone

1 留言:

Unknown 說...

My kind and tender,
caring loving mother,
who is always very funny,
and with lack of money,
who is the best teacher,
and nicest creature,
from your beloved daughter,
who is the girlfriend of Harry Potter!